Get involved and join us in our mission

We  are  ALWAYS  looking  for  volunteers! From  counseling  to  event  support,  we  would  love  to  have  you  join  our  team. Please submit the form below to learn about our volunteer options. You can also email us at


Here are the current committees we have that help with 1-2 events each month.

Hello, World!

Volunteer Application Form

Upcoming speaking engagements.

Girls of Virtue brings speakers to two local high schools in Jacksonville, Florida twice a month. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the high schools, please contact


Annual Back to School Drive


We host two school supply drives for donations to the students at Biscayne High School and Lone Star High School. We will be starting our next school supply drive in July of 2022.

Holiday Gift Drive


We are currently collecting gifts for two local high schools. The age ranges are 14-19. We have created an Amazon wish-list so you can shop and have the gifts sent directly to us:

Second Annual GoVirtue Throwdown


Join us for a day of fitness on 9/10/2022. The divisions include RX and scaled. All proceeds support the programs hosted for Girls of Virtue.

Second Annual Girls of Virtue Golf Tournament


Join us October 2022 for our Second Annual Girls of Virtue Golf Tournament. Details coming soon.